Friday 3 January 2014

Entrepreneurship…It’s about more action and less talk

It is much-talked about, but it is less-acted upon. Most people, if not all, desire to create or run one business or the other. Many people inwardly covet proffering solutions to the problems around them. They know they can do this via an entrepreneurial venture; but the will to travel through this much-talked about road is missing! No one achieves what is not begun. You cannot finish a race you refuse to start. It is not in talking about it; it is by taking a decisive action.

About 4 months ago, I read about the lucrative opportunities in quail farming. For like 2 weeks after reading about the opportunities, I was talking excitedly about it. Before I knew what was going on people started asking me how they could get quail eggs to buy. I had no clue how or where they could get the eggs. I was only a paper entrepreneur – all talk, no action! It was at this point that I realised results only yield to concrete actions on your ideas, not by talking about the ideas. This realisation jolted me into action. I got few day old quails, nurtured them to maturity and today we do not only supply quail eggs but also help people to set up quail farms.

The kernel of this gist is: An entrepreneur that will succeed must do less of talking and more of action. It is not in your talking, but in your action that your celebration is. So, I recommend you take a cup of MALT today – More Action, Less Talk. See you at the top!

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